TotalSim Media Center
Educational Content
Vehicle Heat Protection Application Presentation
Dive deeper into the way STAR-CCM+ can help you with vehicle heat simulation and the key capabilities it utilizes to increase efficiency and accuracy during the process.
Total Sim Flow Visualizations
Click here to view some examples of flow visualizations that TotalSim has produced using OpenFOAM. Some of the visualizations only use ParaView and some have been rendered in Blender.
Integrated Multiphysics Simulation
Observe how STAR-CCM+ utilizes integrated multiphysics in it's simulations to increase design accuracy.
Flow Visualization of a Semi Truck
Learn how Total Sim created a flow visualization of a semi truck and trailer using OpenFoam. This specific simulation was rendered using the Blender software.
Intelligent Design Exploration Simulation
Observe how STAR-CCM+ utilizes intelligent design exploration in it's simulations.
Flow Visualization of Two Ford Fusion NASCAR Sprint Cup Cars
TotalSim computed this flow visualization of two Ford Fusion NASCAR Sprint Cup cars. This transient solution was run to evaluate the effect of two-car drafting using OpenFOAM & rendered using the Blender software.
*Models used with the permission and at the courtesy Ford Racing.
Flow Visualization of Cyclists Drafting in a Peloton
Jump into this TotalSim production to learn how cyclists draft off one another in a peloton to reduce aerodynamic drag and the energy required to maintain competitive speed. This simulation was created so cyclists can better conceptualize the wakes, airflow and drag within a peloton.
Simulation of NASCAR Airflow
Watch this simulation to learn about the airflow around a NASCAR vehicle. NASCAR R&D used TotalSim's HPC solutions at Ohio State Supercomputer Center (OSC) to model the aerodynamic performance of track vehicles. This simulation illustrates some of the work that TotalSim completed in assisting NASCAR R&D model aerodynamic performance.
Leveraging OSSCC for NASCAR Modeling
Learn about how TotalSim used the Ohio State Super Computer Center to model the aerodynamic performance of NASCAR vehicles. TotalSim and Ohio State Super Computer Center have a long relationship of working together. When NASCAR came to TotalSim, the OSSCC was helpful in the modeling process.
2016 Honda Performance Development AeroKit
Click here to watch TotalSim's animation of the 2016 Honda Performance Development AeroKit. This update in the AeroKit resulted in a huge performance gain over the previous year.